Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Traditional Doom Metal subgenre

When Tony Iommi and "Geezer" Butler started to write music, Black Sabbath set up the main stereotype riff-leading, easy-to-recognize, style of rock on which they described as Heavy-Rock back in their hey-days. 

Some bands choose to create heavy metal music based on the same riff-wise characteristics, which were categorized, by fans and media, later on, as being the Doom Metal subgenre or Traditional Doom, just to deferience it from other subgenres such as Death-Doom!

The first follower did not take long to pop-up and it might be the American "replica" band, gathered under the name of Pentagram which was formed back in 1971.

The second notable incarnation should be the Swedish band Candlemass as of 1984 and the co-nationals from Count Raven who started back in 1989.

Epicus Doomicus Metallicus GIF

The British band Pagan Altar starting on 1978 set up their interesting Occult Doom-inspired heavy metal,along with Witchfinder General back in 1979 who is a heavy metal band both part of the N.W.O.B.H.M.movement and apparently, both had a big influence on the genre, as it was revealed later on.

The same goes for the Californian Heavy-Metal band Cirith Ungol established in 1971 or the German Lucifer's Friend who started in 1970 with a quite heavy eponymous output for that time, adorned with some psychedelic and progressive motifs added into their general music structure.

Also, the American band Trouble contributed from 1981, especially with their first two albums. As, with the following LP's they started to diversify their music, no longer being as "pure-doom" so to speak.

The band Iron Man from 1988 could mentioned here, as well, being a Heavy-Metal combo with obvious Black Sabbath influenced riff-work.

They were followed by the American Wino's fronted original band The Obsessed formed in 1979 and later on with the famous Saint Vitus who began back in 1978 to mix Sabbath-ish and Hendrix inspired riffs and solos.

With this said we have the first "map" of this so called the first wave for this subgenre.

By the beginning of the '90's we have the Texan band Solitude Aeturnus 1987, later on labelled as "Epic Doom" along with Candlemass, Solstice, Doomsword or While Heaven Wept.

At the end of the 80's the now well-known man-of-doom Lee Dorrian got upset with the Hardcore-punk scene and the Death Metal musical course Napalm Death took, so he left and dedicated himself, totally, to the Doom scene forming Cathedral and deciding to devote his label Rise Above Records in order to promote the genre's bands.

As a result, he decided to issue a compilation called "Dark Passages" back in 1991.
Bands like: Count Raven, Solitude Aeturnus, Penance, Stillborn,Revelation, Saint Vitus are featured on this compilation along with two Cathedral songs.

Cathedral issued their debut "Forest of Equilibrium" in 1991 which is a very slow and extremely heavy album with an interesting vocal approach. Indeed a very original and creative effort. 

The following catalog, starting with "The Ethereal Mirror" changed the game a little bit and was described by media and fans as being "Stoner-Metal".

A term that Dorrian dismissed stating that Cathedral's music is just old-school Heavy-Metal, nothing more,nothing less.

The Finnish band Reverend Bizarre managed to resurrect the fans interest in the genre at the end of the 90's and the beginning of the 2000's, along with other bands like Electric Wizard or Sleep.

Another highly recommended band to get into must be the first-ever Finnish doom band Spiritus Mortis,especially for the two long-plays fronted by the one and only Albert "The Witchfinder" the frontman of much appeciated Reverend Bizarre.

The American band The Gates of Slumber had a quality musical contribution here before they split-up, along with Warning hailing from UK.

As many of you might know the Darkthrone's album "Old Star" incorporated some of the doom vibes trying to pay some sort of riff-work tribute to this genre.

Other bands adopted a more not-so-metal, but rock orientation, yet still heavily drenched in the Sabbath sound. 

Par example bands like Witchcraft, Lucifer or Orchid.

....article to be further continued,corrected and edited...

Candlemass - Nightfall GIF

Friday 17 June 2022

The Doom Death Conspiracy

The conjuction of Doom and Death Metal, as it is regarded, merged together at the end of the 80's starting with bands like Paradise Lost, Autopsy, Winter or Asphyx. 

The genre was also referred as Slow Death in some of the media descriptions throughout the last decades.

Doom Death Metal GIF

Aaron Stainthorpe remembered that it was inspired as they liked both Candlemass and Bathory and trying somehow to withdraw more heaviness to the general Death Metal skeleton by adding slow,crushing riffs adorned with keyboards and violin interludes.

As for the lyrical climax the dreariness of life experience must be the main focus here along with dreamy, desperation or dark romantic lines in the XVIIIth and XIXth century poetry fashion when speaking about My Dying Bride.

On the other hand, nowadays, Autopsy and Asphyx are seen as crucial exponents, especially for their each second albums. Their first ones were just pure Death Metal headstones for the genre back in early 90's, and, apparently, the Autopsy mastermind Chris Reifert was not so happy about those kinds of music labels applied to his band, when asked.


Anyway, the very first release is obviously Paradise Lost debut album where the Death and Doom ingredients are perfectly balanced without any shadow of doubt establishing themselves as masters and inventors of this musical approach.

Cathedral's "Forest of Equilibrium" issued in 1991 must be also an important piece in the puzzle. Not particular with Death Metal influences ,but very extreme in terms of sound and heaviness. A unique piece of art,with a very original delivery and superbly illustrated by the surrealistic cover.

Later on they moved to a more old school Heavy Metal style.Again ,the stoner label is not being accepted by former Lee Dorrian, as we all might know.

British Paradise Lost colleagues, the Halifax band My Dying Bride followed in 1992 with "As the Flower Withers" statement of powerful vocal growls, heavy riffs, keyboards, violin and standout lyrics transporting the listener in a dark romantic voyage from the first intro called "Silent Dance" continuing with "Sear Me" sang in latin to the last "Return of the Beautiful" song.

The unholy "Peaceville Three" completed the trinity by the Liverpool's Anathema band, as they came at the table with an insanely atmospheric, yet extremely heavy debut named "Serenades" back in 1993.

The Swedish band Tiamat should be taken into the account, here, who started as a regular Death Metal act. 

Their debut album was released back in 1990 entitled "Sumerian Cry" and moved to a totally Death / Doom Metal discouse on their second release "The Astral Sleep" as of 1991 and continued on their third effort called "Clouds" back in 1992 and the much atmospheric collection of songs gathered under the "Wildhoney" title, that hit the metal community worldwide, in the year of 1994.

Starting with the next output named "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" their musical delivery changed the direction into a more Gothic / Rock approach.

Hailing from New York ,Winer's "Into Darkness" 1990 album is quite a great experience and a must-listen when it comes to this genre's classical times. It is an original output, no question about, even that the Saint Vitus riffwork vibes could be found, here and there, when speaking about their instrumental section.

The Finnish band Amorphis and their debut "The Karelian Isthmus" released in 1992 should be mentioned here, as well.

Other great bands to get into must be Celestial Season's first releases, as for the late 90's their sound moved to a more stoner-metal output. 

The band came back with "The Secret Teachings" by 2020 returning to their Doom / Death conceptual roots.

The list goes on with the Danish band Saturnus with their whole catalog. Such great and memorable music.

Swedish' Draconian's side project Doom:VS, the American band Novembers Doom, Swallow the Sun from Finland, Officium Triste from Netherlands and Katatonia's side project called October Tide.

Conationals of Amorphis and Swallow the Sun the band Unholy with their entire discography is recommended for edification, as well.

With this said we have a general picture about the first wave of what is called Doom / Death Metal subgenre today.

Saturday 16 April 2022

A Grindcore history and review

There's undeniable musical evidence that Grindcore genre is somehow the "blood" brother of Death Metal since its foundation and development, back in the late 80's, when both genrs started to transfer infuences back and forth, especially at the rhythm and the riff concept.

The overall characteristics are described as downtuned guitars, overdriven bass, high speed tempos, blastbeats, guttural and/or screamed voice delivery and short span songs.

Mick Harris joined Napalm Death in December 1985 replacing Miles "Rat" Ratledge, as the band

Napalm Death - Scum Grindcore GIF

wanted to move their music concept more towards metal. The term Grindcore was used by him referring to the music of Swans, the noise-rock heroes and, obviously without the intention to "baptize" the new musical concept as he managed to achieve later on. 

By the year of 1989, Jose "Jesse" Pintado's original band Terrorizer released the legendary "World Downfall" album with David Vincent of Morbid Angel handling on the bass duties. A milestone for Grindcore and for metal in general.

Their next albums "Darker Days Ahead" 2006 ; "Hordes of Zombies" from 2012 and "Caustic Attack" 2018 are great outputs for sure featuring the well known Pete "Commando" Sandoval, as well, in back of the drum-kit.

As for the musical concept,first of all, the playing style and guitar tone of Jose "Jesse" Pintado (R.I.P.) former of Terrorizer and Napalm Death was clearly inspired by the Death Metal band Master. Later on he perfected his genius riff delivery to a more diverse range, as we can hear on albums like "Harmony Corruption"  ; "Utopia Banished" and so on.

Another main influence for the Grindcore inventors, Napalm Death, coming from the Death Metal side is cited as being the American Death Metal band Repulsion, with all their demos circulating in the underground, that were, later on, compiled on their one and only LP "Horrified" published back in 1989.

1987's "Scum" despite the brutality and the inaccessibility, so to speak, it's the first album in this genre gained an unexpected success,being such a innovative, game-changer and uncompromising musical statement. 

Heavily influenced by both punk and metal bands the output consists with two parts. 

The first one containing 12 tracks up to, You Suffer song included, that was recorded with Nic Bullen (voc/bass) ; Justin Broadrick (guitar) and Mick Harris (drums). 

The second part is recorded with Lee Dorrian (voc.) ; Bill Steer of Carcass (guitar) ; Jim Whitely (bass) and Mick Harris (drums) from track 13. Life? to the last 28th called Dragnet.

The song "You Suffer" has since been recognized by the Guinness World Record as the shortest song ever recorded.

Their second product "From Enslavement to Obliteration" from 1988 show a more matured band, tracks have better arrangements, sound and it's even more brutal. 

The international success grew as a result of that, establishing the album among the classic ones for the whole metal scene. 

Shane Embury joined the bass section in the band before the recordings.

Carcass followed up with the debut "Reek of Putrefaction" at the same year consolidating the genre and establishing other future extreme subgenres at the gory side of the metal scene.

Later on, both bands moved to a more Death Metal musical approach, but still keeping riffs and blast-beats reminiscent of their first works. The decision wasn't embraced by some of the fans, as we can hear on the classic Napalm Death's "Live Corruption". 

Part of the audience being quite unsatisfied, as it can be heard between the songs, beside the newer Death Metal fans cheering and enjoying the show. 

As a result the new members of the band were kind of forced to carry a baseball bat for a while, in that respect.

Mark "Barney" Greenway (voc.) ; Jose "Jesse" Pintado (guitar) ; Mitch Harris (guitar) ; Shane Embury (bass) ; Mick Harris (drums) is the better "armed" Napalm Death ready for the musical assault that will follow placing the band on the top of the extreme metal bands worldwide.

On the other hand, Carcass while being in Germany touring for the "Symphonies of Sickness" their second release, were literally defending themselves, at one show from some angry fans, just because the tracks on the album were too long for their taste...

After a quite chaotic primitive Death Metal debut "In Battle there is no Law" garnished with thrash-like riffage, co-nationals from Bolt Thrower, imported some clear grindcore influences on "Realm of Chaos" and "War Master" albums, placing the band, conceptually speaking, among Carcass and Napalm Death. 

On their next releases they moved to a more groovy/doomy type of Death Metal song writing.

Hailing from UK, as well Extreme Noise Terror originally started as a crust-punk act and then adopted the Grindcore velocity, even moved to a more Death Metal approach on the album "Being and Nothing". 

The LP "Damage 381" was recorded with "Barney" Greenway of Napalm Death who was, for a brief moment, out of the band.

This album sounds much like into the "Utopia Banished" direction and it can be viewed as a decent follow-up, in that respect.

Other contribution from the british bands can be counted from bands like Sore Throat and Unseen Terror, both inspired by the "Scum" album, as well.

The American band Brutal Truth featuring legendary Danny Lilker on bass must be the third band, as relevance in the whole Grindcore scene development. "Extreme Conditions Demand Extreme Responses" ; "Need to Control" ; "Kill Trend Suicide" or "Sounds of the Animal Kingdom" are classics for the genre, by now.

Brutal Truth's music video for "Collateral Damage" once held the Guinness World Record for the shortest music video ever made.

Impetigo from Illinois manage to establish the cult band status, by this day, in the same fashion and spiced with black humor song intros.

On the same side of music and lyric-wise should be considered Seth Putnam's band AC that is regarded as noise-core, being very extreme and chaotic in their delivery, sometimes.

The band Atrocity from Connecticut could be an example of Death/Grind, as well with albums like "Infected" 1990 ; "The Art Of Death!" 1992 and "Let War Rage" 2009. 

Their overall sounding and song writing reminds of Repulsion, at times.

Also, the supergroup Brujera should be mentioned here. Originally formed by guitarist Dino Cazares (Asesino) of Fear Factory and later on joined for live performances by Shane Embury hidden under the name of "Hongo" and Jeff Walker featuring as "El Cynico" at the bass section, they released interesting and referral albums over the time.

The Belgian band Agathocles, also are an important piece in this puzzle, for sure, with an insanely rich discography released throughout their career.

All of their albums being recommended for audition, especially the first "Theatric Symbolisation of Life" from 1992 which is considered to be their best achievement, so far.

Swedish Nasum , General Surgery and Regurgitate played an important role in the grind-game. Their albums being recommended for a great grind experience, as well.

From Austria we have Disharmonic Orchestra and Pungent Stench who's first releases where quite inspired by Napalm Death at first, again moving on to a more Death/Grind delivery on their second outputs.

One of the best bands out there and the much respected in the underground for their consistence must be the german band Blood. Albums recommended? All of them! Their music could be described as Death Metal with Grindcore song structures. 

A totally memorable act and music so much appreciated in the undergound scene.

Other bands like Cattle Decapitation , Exhumed , Cephalic Carnage or Aborted had Grind/Death beginnings and/or later moved to a more diverse musical discourse even with prog/technical influences added.

Misery Index , Pig Destroyer and their coleagues from Agoraphobic Nosebleed could be the three top American examples ,for the genre, and about the level of what Grindcore represents nowadays.

Overall, the genre still resists with countless underground protagonists many of them being invited to the much appreciated "Obscene Extreme Festival" happening in the Czech Republic each year.

At January 29 the international blast-beat day is being celebrated,cheers!


Sunday 10 April 2022

Speed Metal and the upgrade Heavy Metal received

What is Speed Metal and how is it came to be?

Speed Metal GIF

Sometimes the genre might be referred as Speed'n'Thrash just like the label Hard'n'Heavy used by the press and fans showing that there's no clear delimitation in between. 

Musically and conceptually speaking it is what is more than the traditional Heavy Metal in velocity, delivery and complexity of the overall song structures.

In comparison with Thrash Metal, Speed Metal band's music contains less Punk or Hardcore influences, although being at the same abrasive musical attributes and...speed, of course!

At the second part of the 70's where the genre has its roots the general rock musical realm was populated by some shy, so to speak, heavy metal releases, the prog-rock scene and punk rock on the other hand dominated the overall rock stage.

Although, many consider that Queen's "Stone Cold Crazy" released in 1974 must be the first 100% speed metal act and it had a huge impact, especially on Metallica and the whole metal development, musically speaking.

About the same period of time the contribution of Motörhead and Judas Priest bands is considered by many being the first former Speed Metal bands.
Also, the german band Accept were an important catalytic force of the genre "Fast as a Shark" song being a great example, in that respect.

As Black Sabbath started to change and forwarded to a more mainstream discourse adding prog or even Beatles influences on "Technical Ecstacy", even their legacy has been already passed for this upgrade with "Symptom of the Universe" or "Children of the Grave" still there was definitively a need for something more exciting to take place.

The mid 70's saw other jams, as well in which we can foresee the upcoming metal genre taking shape. Those are for sure Deep Purple's "Speed King", "Highway Star" or "Fireball".

Also, the british band Budgie had an undeniable highlight in this fashion with the memorable "Breadfan" single.

Along with the start of the 80's,the N.W.O.B.H.M. movement saw the unholy birth incarnated in bands like, the undisputed, the almighty VENOM, which is above Heavy Metal and not yet Thrash Metal, musically speaking.

As they claimed, bands at that time were not enough savage for their taste,so they managed to add some punk attitude music-wise to a general metal structure and overly spiced it with a satanic imagery and baptized it as "Black Metal"!

Other representative bands to be added here, pioneering the genre, as we can think of, must be Angelwitch,Raven,Diamond Head,Tank, besides the canadian bands Anvil and Exciter.

Later in the 80's and 90's bands like Agent Steel, Annihilator, Helstar, Running Wild, Enforcer, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Primal Fear, The Great Cat, Cacophony, Blind Guardian, Dragonforce or Skullfist in 2000's consolidated the style and added more substance and diversity to the general picture.
Sometimes the genre seems entwined with the newer Power Metal, especially at the vocal delivery style.
Mercyful Fate GIF
King Diamond with Mercyful Fate being more on the traditional part of the Heavy Metal, his solo project, despite the theatrical approach contains all the instrumental ingredients of Speed Metal. There's numerous examples of songs throughout his rich discography in order to sustain that approach.
Californian band Metal Church is one of the greatest metal bands to walk the earth and best protagonists, for sure when speaking about speed in metal delivery. 
Their entire catalog being recommended as well.

Anthrax - Persistence Of Time GIF
Some argue that Megadeth are not exactly Thrash,but Speed Metal in the first place,
especially for their first three albums.
The same arguments goes for Metallica's first albums or even Anthrax. 
However, the Thrash Metal status was later on cemented and all doubts removed with the more complex and heavier albums like "...And Justice for All" or "Persistence of Time".
Also, there's an opinion going on stating that the first Black Metal wave represented by Venom, Bathory and Sodom are, in fact, Speed Metal and later on Black Metal evolved as an extreme form of Speed Metal.
Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" being such an edifying example.
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger GIF








Pedal to the metal!!! \m/

Wednesday 6 April 2022


Thrash / Death Metal wasn't an intentional musical admixture, so to speak like Gothic Metal or Doom / Death. The genre evolved along with Death Metal and it was played by bands who tried to sound closer to Slayer or even more aggressive, in the first place.

Deathrash GIF

Sepultura is for sure the first example, in that respect. 

Their first demo, "Bestial Devastation" EP and "Morbid Visions" album are mostly on the Black / Death Metal side and starting with "Schizophrenia" up to "Arise" album, their music surely is too brutal to be called Thrash and not yet Death Metal as it came to be at the end of the '80s. 

As many of you know with "Chaos A.D." they changed to groove metal...and other whatever influences.

Possessed match in this category as well, even they are credited as Death Metal inventors, their thrashy energetic riffage is more than obvious to everybody. That would be another example of a-little-bit-more-aggressive-than Slayer music.

In 1987 Necrophagia released their debut "Season of the Dead" which surely represent an undeniable milestone in the Death Metal history, as well along with "Scream Bloody Gore", but their music wasn't 100% within this genre as they still have a foot in the Thrash Metal "grave" throughout their entire catalog.

It seems that musically speaking Thrash / Death it's like Death Metal devoid of doomy-sabbath-ish or Celtic Frost infuenced way of writing music , but filled with the insane dynamics that Thrash has to offer to the audience.

Floridian bands Malevolent Creation and Massacre are worth to be mention in here, even that the last one moved to a more groovy type of approach on their recent works, the classical "From Beyond" must be a perfect example for sure.

The more technical oriented Sadus, the original Steve DiGiorgio's band is here to be mention hailing, again from the floridian brigade and, of course, genre-wise hanging between Thrash and Death Metal.

Legendary Paul Speckman's band Abomination,  originally formed in Chicago, Illinois, with the same line-up Master had on their first released LP must be one of the most important player in this game, chronologically and conceptually speaking.

Abomination has two releases "Abomination" and "Tragedy Strikes" plus two EP's "The Final War" and "Live in Germany".

The same goes for the French scene from the '90s consisting of Massacra, Loudblast, No Return and Agressor. 
These bands manage to consolidate the genre in an original manner and their discographies are a strong recommendation to get into, especially the first three Massacra albums that are absolutely fantastic!

The German band Protector, as well, fits the same category and their music remains absolutely brilliant to this day. From "Golem" onward, every release added more and more brutality and maturity at the delivery section towards Death Metal, even that the thrashy guitar structure remained essential in their music, up to this day. 
Albums recommended? All of them!

The Netherland's Pestilence first three issues complete the ranks in this fashion up to the conceptual "Testimony of the Ancients" album. 

Starting with their fourth "Spheres" album, the music shifted to a more technical death metal with jazz inspired rhythm sections, possibly influenced by the musical direction can be heard on Death's "Individual Thought Patterns" LP.

Swiss band Messiah would be great to listed to. Their conceptual album "Rotten Perish" from 1992 being their greatest achivement, so far.

Another great work to dig must be "Scolls of the Megilloth" of the australian band Mortification.
Their entire discography fit in the same Thrash / Death style, as well.

The Columbian band Masacre are, also a strong example to pin-point, here, as an undisputed veteran exponent for this sub-genre.

The three brothers from Krisiun, somehow followed the same path co-nationals from Sepultura opened and despite the velocity, blastbeats and the brutality of their overall music display, the energetic Thrash riffs are everywhere to be found in their musical structure.

With a perfect crossover between Thrash/Hardcore/Death Metal and a discography spanning for only three albums, the great and brutal Thrash Metal "Tortued Existence" the even more aggressive and their best achivement "Epidemic of Violence" and the more groove oriented "Time Bomb"  New Yorkers from Demolition Hammer gained a well deserved respect from the metal community worldwide and the legendary status every band dream of.

In terms of absolute great, great music is the now the almost forgotten brazilian band Incubus and their "Beyond the Unknown" first release. They have a unique sound and their riff work flow in a close to perfection fashion on that one. A totally unforgettable jam. 
Later on they moved to U.S.A. in Louisiana and changed their band name into Opprobrium continuing to release music in the same fashion.

Crown of Thorns who later rebranded themselves as The Crown coming from the endless swedish metal contingent with an explosive admixture of Thrash/Death and Death'n'Roll, extremely dynamic and memorable enough to tear down any doubt about originality, as well. 
A not-to-be-missed act for sure!

The german combo Dew-Scented and the swedish Deathchain complete the circle for this musical endeavor and they are not to be overlooked in a hypothetical history of the Thrash / Death Metal, as a whole.

Thursday 31 March 2022

Death Metal - A videographic chronological history of the classical times

Death Metal GIF
As some of us already know the golden age of the death metal scene stretch from the late 80's to the second part of the 90's. 

Within these years, the bands involved managed to release videos made for MTV, using technical equipment very different that is used today, paid a lot of money and spent a lot of energy and time in order to achieve what they wanted to express in order to promote the musical message, their live abilities, the fan-base reaction or the band's image, in general. 

In that respect many of the videos created back then are pure masterpieces.

Let's see how bands managed to portray themselves back in the Death Metal heydays.

The first video issued in the classical death metal scene undoubtedly must be Death's performance in 1988 at the Combat Tour, along with headliners Raven plus Dark Angel, Forbidden and Fate or Fear, containing : Left to Die ; Pull the Plug ; Forgotten Past and Denial of Life songs.

The second one is surely Paradise Lost's performance "Live Death"
at the Peaceville Mischievous Night Party, Saturday 4th November 1989 at Bradford Queens Hall containing tracks from their "Lost Paradise" album : Deadly Inner Sense ; Frozen Illusion ; Breeding Fear ; Paradise Lost ; Our Savior ; Rotting Misery and Internal Torment played in such a passionate way. 

The video cassette was officially released exactly one year later on November 4th, 1990.

Morbid Angel released "Live Madness '89" recorded at Nottingham on November 14 performing most of the "Altars of Madness" LP proving that they are a total Death Metal machinery and a crucial future metal force.

Grindcore and Death/Grind inventors, Napalm Death issued "Live Corruption" in 1993, captured at the Salisbury Arts Centre in Salisbury, England on June 30th, 1990 when they played a lot of their classical tracks taken from their first albums, new tracks as well, interviews, plus a video-clip made for "Suffer the Children" one of the most outstanding songs from "Harmony Corruption" LP, their most successful album, so far.

It was 1990 and Entombed, the Swedish quintet,  released the "Left Hand Path" video from the same named disc, showing their live performance and establishing their leader status on the Scandinavian Death Metal scene.

Norway was represented by the famous Darkthrone with "Live in Oslo 1990"  performing 6 tracks from their classic "Soulside Journey" Death Metal debut LP.


Sci-fi horror inspired tech-death-metal Nocturnus genius performance for the "Lake of Fire" the first track taken from their most outstanding and original albums in the history of metal published under the name of "The Key" back in 1990.

Massacre From Beyond GIF

Legendary Massacre with "Chamber of Ages" promoted the first "From Beyond" issue showing their energetic live act in front of their unleashed fan-base. 
A black and white masterwork, for sure!

Death's first video-clip perfectly pictured a psychological tragedy described in the lyrics of the song taken from the classical 1991 "Human" opus called "Lack of Comprehension".

Steve DiGiorgio's original band Sadus released "Good Rid'nz" and "Certain Death" videos containing edited live footage taken from their first two albums "Illusions" and "Swallowed in Black".

The very charismatic Floridian combo, Obituary chose "Turned Inside Out" played live, the last track from their "Cause of Death" classic disc, in order to portray and prove to the world their full potential.

Once again, the iconic band Morbid Angel presented themselves with a video-clip for "Blessed are the Sick/Leading the Rats" taken from the much praised 1991 - "Blessed are the Sick" album. 

The video express what the track and the album is all about at the musical and lyrical concept.

War themed, British Bolt Thrower came up with "Cenotaph" taken from the 1991 "War Master" album representing their Death-Grind delivery performance, the band and their legions produced in a very dynamic fashion.

By year of 1991, Napalm Death returned more energetic than ever and this can be seen in their "Mass Appeal Madness" official video.

A video-clip documenting their tour around the world, probably taken when they toured for the "Harmony Corruption" LP.

As, of the same video content was presented on"The World Keeps Turning" in order to promote their fourth "Utopia Banished" effort just a year later.

The German quintet Morgoth chose "Sold Baptism" as a video-clip and "Isolated" live performance to represent their first and much praised "Cursed" output released back in 1991. 

The first above mentioned is a short horror movie featuring the band members and the front-man Mark Grewe as the main character.

Just like a short B-grade horror movie, the British band Cancer made a video-clip for the "Back from the Dead" song present on the much appreciated "Death Shall Rise" work dated in 1991.

"Shrunken and Mummified Bitch" being a quite sick/black humorous video-clip made by the Austrian trio Pungent Stench, and from the same album they came up with "Sick Bizarre Defaced Creation" a black and white live video-clip edited with overlayed reprises here and there from their 1991 "Been Caught Buttering" Death-Grind second album.

Carcass tried to capture the musical message on the much appreciated "Necroticism - Descanting and Insalubrious" album with the "Incarnated Solvent Abuse" video released in 1991 and the second video, being a live footage and a master interpretation for "Corporal Jigsore Quandary" taken from the famous "Grindcrusher Tour".

The above mentioned tour, also includes a full performances by both Carcass and their fellow Bolt Thrower

The Dutch quartet Pestilence managed to portray themselves in a very effective way, the general message and the atmosphere from the conceptual 1991 released "Testimony of the Ancients" album,  throughout the undoubtedly masterpiece of a video-clip : "Land of Tears".

A short horror story.

Their previous second effort named "Consuming Impulse" dated back in 1990 featuring Martin Van Drunen handling the bass and the vocal duties, at that time was presented with the "Out of the Body" video-clip.

Their colleagues from God Dethroned made a video-clip for the "Necromagnon" track, in a wretched, construction area, presenting the debut album "The Christhunt" dated as of 1992.

Colleagues in Death/Grind and co-nationals of Pungent Stench, Disharmonic Orchestra launched "Groove" video in order to promote "Not to be Undimentional Conscious" their second album back in 1992.

The famous, by now, polish combo Vader were presenting themselves playing in a post-communist industrial environment with the song "Dark Age" taken from the debut album, "The Ultimate Incantation" issued as of 1992.

Floridian based Nocturnus returned with a video for the "Alter Reality" track taken from their second LP "Thresholds" released in 1992.

At the same year, British Death Metal veteran quintet Bolt Thrower, spearheaded again with "The IVth Crusade" video from the same named release with an energetic live collage.

There's no question that Morbid Angel's "God of Emptiness" video is another Metal masterpiece , representing the one of the band's main lyrical topics. 

One of the most viewed out there and a symbolic representation for the genre's overall song themes - religion. 

It is the last track taken from their third much appreciated album "Covenant" dated in 1993. Also, we have "Rapture" video to enjoy, the song opening the 1993's classic, by now long-play. 

"Covenant" is one of the most sold death metal full-lengths out there.

Another true memorable masterpieces in terms of video production must be the Entombed's "Stranger Aeons" from "Clandestine" and Dismember's " and "Dreaming in Red" videos taken from their both second releases. 

Dismember, also released a video for the above mentioned second album, titled "Indecent&Obscene" opening track "Skinfather" consisting moslty of their live experience.

Prior to that, Dismember promoted their music with the "Soon to be Dead" video-clip taken from the "Like an Everflowing Stream" classic disc, dated in 1991.

From the same Swedish lands, the soon to became, one of the most death metal influential personality Peter Tägtgren presented his band Hypocrisy with two videos "Impotent God" which is a live performance and a videoclip for "Left to Rot" in 1992 promoting their "Penetralia" debut album.

One year later they returned with a video called "Pleasure of Molestation" a song which is published on the second disc "Osculum Obscenum", and by 1994 released "Inferior Devoties" a video-clip made for a track taken from the same named EP showing themselves as a trio, for the first time, with Peter Tägtgren behind the frontline microphone.

As, for the fourth effort dated in 1996 "Abducted" album, the band chose to make a video-clip for the song "Roswell '47" consisting mostly from their touring footage.

The, heathen to become, Johnny Hedlund's Unleashed show their live strong display of "Before the Creation of Time" from the first "Where No Life Dwells" album. 

Later on they promoted their third effort "Across the Open Sea" and their fan-base with "The One Insane" video performing in a club.

Interment from Sweden, again, presenting themselves with a video-clip created for "Infestering Flesh" back in 1992, a song taken from their first demo.

The first progressive death metal band, Dan Swanö's Edge of Sanity filmed "Black Tears" the power play for the "Purgatory Afterglow" in a black and white low-budget fashion. 

The vocal clean delivery resembles much of what is called Gothic Metal, today, as the overall album's direction is quite diverse.

The Australian trio Mortification presented themselves with a video taken from "Scrolls of the Megilloth" LP, their best achievement, so far, with the eponymous song, published back in 1992.

Besides the "God of Emptiness" artwork the Carcass' "Heartwork" must be another important vector and surely a masterpiece for the genre, up to this day.

A true terrifying videoclip, but perfect in portraying the viciousness of the music presented on the eponymous album issued in 1993. "No Love Lost" being at the same quality level in terms of video production and musical inspiration.

Germans from Morgoth, also returned with the much appeciated "Odium" disc, promoted by the "Under the Surface" video at the same year.

Also, Chuck Shuldiner , the Godfather of Death Metal returned and brought Death back to live  inviting Andy LaRoque, King Diamond's lead guitarist, Steve DiGiorgio, the famous and very technical bass player and no other than Gene Hoglan to record one of the most daring metal issues of all times "Individual Thought Patterns" that was promoted with a video for the closing track "The Philosopher".  

A total outstanding performance, there!

Californian Autopsy had "Voices" played in a garage hailing the unforgettable "Acts of the Unspeakable" LP back in '93.

Entombed returned with "Hollowman" and "Wolverine Blues" from their Groove Death Metal opus out in '93, with Lars G. Petrov (R.I.P) handling, again the vocal duties. 

"Hollowman" is such a great work in 'good optics' register, per say, showing the band playing in an old factory. Another video masterpiece for Metal, indeed!

Again, hailing from Sweden, Grave veteran band , provided the Death Metal hordes with the "Soulless" video made in 1994, from the same named collection of songs.

As, on the same year, british quintet Napalm Death made short horror film for "The Plague Rages" which would be one of the power plays of the "Fear ,Emptiness, Despair" album.

The much appreciated Obituary returned with "The End Complete" video-clip inorder to promote the same named album back in 1993 and for the "World Demise" effort decided to release a video made for the opening track "Don't Care" dated back in 1995.

Gorefest Erase GIF

From the dutch front the four Gorefest highlighted their "False" opus through the "Get-a-life" video containing a fine edited live performance followed by the 1994 "Erase" as one of the most memorable moment from the same named disc.

"The Eindhoven Insanity" released in August 11th, 1993 documents Gorefest's live performance at the much famous and appeciated Dynamo Festival in the same year containing 9 songs.

Same goes for their co-nationals from the Sinister band, who released a video-clip for the song "Leviathan" taken from the much appreciated and one of their best LP's ,"Diabolical Summoning" dated back in 1993.

The video represents the band besides a short horror movie about wichery, time distortion and occult practices.

Dismember returned with the masterpiece named "Casket Garden" taken from their 1995 issued album "Massive Killing Capacity". One of the most beautiful videos made in Death Metal.

Carcass released "Swansong" opus back in 1996, before the split-up and chose as the power play, the first song "Keep on Rotting in the Free World" containing a mix of live and other video footage to please their worldwide fan-base.

Cannibal Corpse watch us "Through the eyes of the Dead" video, enjoying one of the most inspired albums released in metal ever "The Bleeding", released back in 1994, being their first official one.

The British iconic quintet Benediction released "Foetus Noose" an interesting video-clip made with overlayed live footage, presenting their fan-base.

Also, not-to-be-missed "The Grotesque" video-clip taken from the eponymous EP from 1994.

This video-graphic journey through one of the most aggressive metal genres out there will be closed by mentioning the last videoclip dedicated by the same Birmingham veterans Benediction to Jack the Ripper, naming the first song taken from the 1995 output "The Dreams you Dread" called "Down on Whores - Leave them all for dead!"

Friday 18 March 2022

Industrial Metal and its development

Industrial Metal GIF
One of the most extreme and fringe heavy metal branch, totally not sufficient musically explored is what is called Industrial Metal. 

The fist band we can thing about regarding the industrial (rock) music, must be the British post-punk band Killing Joke.

Which is surely one of the pioneers to start exploring and playing with indus-like riffs.

The second exponent, here, must be the American Ministry band.

After a first excellent New-Wave album called "With Sympathy" they released "Twitch" where they started to experience with industrial sounds, repetitive musical formulas and a more aggressive, dark and twisted songs building up an interesting assembly found through albums like "The Land of Rape and Honey" ; "The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste" ; "Psalm 69" ; "Filth Pig" ; "Rio Grande Blood" and so on.

Featuring Justin Broaderick, as drummer, the British band Head of David it's a must in this gearing. A total underrated act, if you like, not to be ignored and quite inspiring for other, bigger bands within the genre.

Justin Broaderick of Godflesh must be a pivotal name in the whole development for this genre. 

First of all, he played with a project called Final before joining Napalm Death as guitar player, where he was invited just because the guys in the band admired his previous work with Final. 

Apparently, he was kind of terrified while playing the songs from the first part of the "Scum" album and that happened, especially when the ultra-rapid grindcore passages set in, as he was more into the long, crushing, type of riffs.

Albums like "Streetcleaner" ; "Pure" ; "Selfless" ; "Us and Them" must be the pin-points from the Godflesh very special and unique catalog to get into.

The french band Treponem Pal must be mentioned, as another great example of Industrial Metal, heavily influenced by Ministry, The Young Gods and Godflesh with works like "Treponem Pal" (1989) ; Aggravation (1991) ; "Excess & Overdrive" (1993) ; "Higher" (1997) or "Weird Machine" (2008) they cemented their status as an important player in the scene.

The American band Prong should be, also took as pioneers for the Industrial Metal subgenre, here, especially with their mid albums of their discography.

First of all, they started like a Thrash-Crossover Metal band and then developed their style adding more and more industrial sonorities and groovy riff-work, later on.

"Soul of A New Machine" the first Fear Factory LP created such a great sonic replica for metalheads worldwide, being an assembly of death metal meets industrial, growl meets clean voicals and an outstanding, original riff signature delivered by Dino Cazares. 

The albums that followed incorporated more mainstream metal elements, but still remaining at the same level of creativity and authenticity and not altering their own musical identity.

We, also have to take in consideration Pitchshifter, the British combo, responsible for memorable albums like "Industrial" ; "Desensitized" or "Infotainment?".

Sadly, later on, their music moved more into the Alternative style of rock music.

Dead World band hailing from Colorado U.S.A. built an enjoyable Industrial Death Metal sound through albums like 1992 "Collusion" ; "The Machine" from 1993 and "Thanatos Descends" output on 1996, heavily influenced by Godflesh' music.

Nailbomb project is an interesting industrial project consisting of Max Cavalera and Alex Newport of Fudge Tunnel.

They released an album called "Point Blank" which was sustained live, also at Dynamo Festival in Eindhoven back in 1995.

As, for the German Rammstein band, could it be called the AC/DC of Industrial Metal? 

Their music is simple, straight to the point, memorable and effective combining Industrial Metal with Neue Deutsche Härte, just like their co-nationals from Eisbrecher, for example.

From the 1995 "Herzeleid" to their last "Zeit" the band managed to capture attention with unforgettable tunes despite the German language used on most of their music.

The band gained international success from their second "Sehnsucht" issued in 1997. 

This album was certified with platinum by the RIAA in the U.S. The single "Du Hast" hitting like a thunderstruck in the hearts of the metalheads worldwide, at that time.

Peter Tägtgren's project Pain must be counted here as well, as an original mix of Industrial Metal-Rock and Electro outputs that created a strong fan-base, starting from the second part of the 90's from the first self titled disc to the last "Coming Home" dated in 2016.

The classic Napalm Death line-up from the first part of the "Scum" album with Mick Harris, Justin Broadrick and Nic Bullen reunited in 1992 under the banner of Scorn in order to issue "Vae Solis" 

Later on, the band moved to a more experimental music and becoming one of the first dub-step acts out there.

However, their first album is definitively an 100 percent Industrial Metal effort.

The german band Die Krupps plays, also a pioneering and significant role in the general mechanism of the early industrial gearing. Their catalog stretch from the 1981's "Stahlwerksinfonie" to the last "Songs from the Dark side of Heaven" dated back in 2021.

Their heydays are represented by albums like "II - The Final Option" released in 1993 "III - Odyssey of the Mind" 1995 or 1997's "Paradise Now". Their best received products at that time.

The swiss band Samael started to experiment with electro-metal admixture added to their basic groove Black Metal background. 

Albums like "Eternal" or "Reign of Light" made them the Rammstein of Black Metal, so to speak. 

Other Black Metal bands were experiencing with this kind of musical approach, such as the Italian Aborym, The Kovenant or Thorns from Norway, but that's another story and it belongs more to a Black Metal article.

Another stand out product is for sure "Embedded" issued in 1993 by the project Meathook Seed formed by Napalm Death's Shane Embury - bass, Mitch Harris - guitar plus the Obituary's Donald Tardy - drums and Trevor Peres as a front man. 

A quite creative musical approach filled with interesting riffs. Their second opus called B.I.B.L.E. (basic instructions before leaving earth) has a more industrial rock direction, but still recommended for a listen, although.

Speaking about Napalm Death, they were inevitably influenced by this kind of sounds and contributed with industrial tunes from time to time within their quite rich discography they have. 

The much praise "Fear,Emptiness,Despair" output is suspected to host indus-like riffage throughout its entire display,also tracks like "Morale" ; "Contemptuous" ; "The Lifeless Alarm" or "Inside the Torn Apart" and, of course the main riff from  Greed Killing video are more than obvious examples, in that respect.

Fleshing some industrial samples to a Doom-Thrash Metal skeleton the swedish band Misery Loves Co. released some interesting albums like the eponymous from 1994, "Not like Them" in 1997 and "Your vision was never mine to share" by 2000.

The well known musician Devin Townsend the main composer and mastermind of Strapping Young Lad combined Thrash with Death Metal with industrial influences through "Heavy as a Really Heavy Thing" dated 1995 to "The New Black" album released in 2006 with such a corrosive and obnoxious atmosphere,very dynamic at times and obviously experimental and equal as unexpected, surprisingly good Industrial Metal to get into.

Up fronted by Jörgen Sandström founder of the legendary band Grave, the swedish The Project Hate MCMXCIX band produced an interesting and original mix of industrial, Death Metal and Gothic inflences throughout its very rich discography starting with 2000 "Cybersonic Superchrist" to the last "Spewing Venom into the Eyes of Deities" dated as of 2021.

The Floridian band Schnitt Acht, who was active in the first half of the 90's released two albums "Subhuman Minds" (1991) being more into EBM-electronic music, but their second effort "Slash and Burn" (1993) added a more metal substance and riffs to the general concept, resulting into an original and excellent album.

The music in this video being absolutely fantastic in terms of creativity and inspiration!

The contribution of bands like Nine Inch Nails, Rob Zombie and his band White Zombie, Front Line Assembly, Oomph!, Swans, The Young Gods, KMFDM, Revolting Cocks and Skinny Puppy or even Marylin Manson are surely the main Industrial acts, but they cannot be overviewed in this history, although, their music reach metal at times, all these well known and appeciated bands, balanced their musical content from rock to electronic, even electronic body music and they are not exactly anchored, so to speak, in the Heavy Metal musical spectrum, per say.