Friday 17 June 2022

The Doom Death Conspiracy

The conjuction of Doom and Death Metal, as it is regarded, merged together at the end of the 80's starting with bands like Paradise Lost, Autopsy, Winter or Asphyx. 

The genre was also referred as Slow Death in some of the media descriptions throughout the last decades.

Doom Death Metal GIF

Aaron Stainthorpe remembered that it was inspired as they liked both Candlemass and Bathory and trying somehow to withdraw more heaviness to the general Death Metal skeleton by adding slow,crushing riffs adorned with keyboards and violin interludes.

As for the lyrical climax the dreariness of life experience must be the main focus here along with dreamy, desperation or dark romantic lines in the XVIIIth and XIXth century poetry fashion when speaking about My Dying Bride.

On the other hand, nowadays, Autopsy and Asphyx are seen as crucial exponents, especially for their each second albums. Their first ones were just pure Death Metal headstones for the genre back in early 90's, and, apparently, the Autopsy mastermind Chris Reifert was not so happy about those kinds of music labels applied to his band, when asked.


Anyway, the very first release is obviously Paradise Lost debut album where the Death and Doom ingredients are perfectly balanced without any shadow of doubt establishing themselves as masters and inventors of this musical approach.

Cathedral's "Forest of Equilibrium" issued in 1991 must be also an important piece in the puzzle. Not particular with Death Metal influences ,but very extreme in terms of sound and heaviness. A unique piece of art,with a very original delivery and superbly illustrated by the surrealistic cover.

Later on they moved to a more old school Heavy Metal style.Again ,the stoner label is not being accepted by former Lee Dorrian, as we all might know.

British Paradise Lost colleagues, the Halifax band My Dying Bride followed in 1992 with "As the Flower Withers" statement of powerful vocal growls, heavy riffs, keyboards, violin and standout lyrics transporting the listener in a dark romantic voyage from the first intro called "Silent Dance" continuing with "Sear Me" sang in latin to the last "Return of the Beautiful" song.

The unholy "Peaceville Three" completed the trinity by the Liverpool's Anathema band, as they came at the table with an insanely atmospheric, yet extremely heavy debut named "Serenades" back in 1993.

The Swedish band Tiamat should be taken into the account, here, who started as a regular Death Metal act. 

Their debut album was released back in 1990 entitled "Sumerian Cry" and moved to a totally Death / Doom Metal discouse on their second release "The Astral Sleep" as of 1991 and continued on their third effort called "Clouds" back in 1992 and the much atmospheric collection of songs gathered under the "Wildhoney" title, that hit the metal community worldwide, in the year of 1994.

Starting with the next output named "A Deeper Kind of Slumber" their musical delivery changed the direction into a more Gothic / Rock approach.

Hailing from New York ,Winer's "Into Darkness" 1990 album is quite a great experience and a must-listen when it comes to this genre's classical times. It is an original output, no question about, even that the Saint Vitus riffwork vibes could be found, here and there, when speaking about their instrumental section.

The Finnish band Amorphis and their debut "The Karelian Isthmus" released in 1992 should be mentioned here, as well.

Other great bands to get into must be Celestial Season's first releases, as for the late 90's their sound moved to a more stoner-metal output. 

The band came back with "The Secret Teachings" by 2020 returning to their Doom / Death conceptual roots.

The list goes on with the Danish band Saturnus with their whole catalog. Such great and memorable music.

Swedish' Draconian's side project Doom:VS, the American band Novembers Doom, Swallow the Sun from Finland, Officium Triste from Netherlands and Katatonia's side project called October Tide.

Conationals of Amorphis and Swallow the Sun the band Unholy with their entire discography is recommended for edification, as well.

With this said we have a general picture about the first wave of what is called Doom / Death Metal subgenre today.

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