Showing posts with label Jungle Rot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jungle Rot. Show all posts

Friday 10 July 2015

Jungle Rot - 2015 - Order Shall Prevail

Wisconsin deathsters Jungle Rot managed to release a new 10 pieces of fury gathered under "Order Shall Prevail" name.

Starting with a memorable "Doomsday" overture their groove based death metal hooks your ears from the first short guitar-solo-scream to the last.
"Nuclear Superiority" which is a perfect OSDM to close a retro death metal sound for this modern age if you like.
The band will not prove something else than their previous works but seems to be enjoyable as it didn't lack any dynamic variation.

With every track there is enough contrast and variety to keep your interest grinning and our head banging.
The most stand out tracks must be :"The Dread Pestilence";"E.F.K.";"I Cast The First Stone";"Trench Tactics" and the one set up to promote the album on youtube